Saturday, February 07, 2009

I guess I see hope

Often, I heard of so and so don't want to be or stop being a Christian because of personal experiences with some Christians who have awful attitudes. Therefore, why be Christians?

Most Christians like to defend by saying, "We are Christians because of God and not depend on people. People will fail us."

The statement is true but then if Christians are not changed to be like Christ then what is the difference.
Then why be kan?

Each time, I hear of such story I gedt pretty discouraged la...
I don't know who and what am I discourage with.
The so and so or the some Christians or the situation or maybe God?
As a Christian myself, I have some awful attitudes too =/

Last few days, I was talking with friend Y.
Y was telling me her encounters with Christians few years back
Christians who showed her Christ yet betrayed her later
Christians who said things would be okay yet laughed when she was in trouble
Christians who asked her to forgive yet they were the ones who hurt her

As usual, I sunk into discouraged mood as the very familiar tape been played.
It was as if I could say the story together with her.
As she continued, I listened quietly for I didn't know who and what was I disappointed and beh tahan with.
Zillions of thoughts just overwhelmed me.

After awhile, something unfamiliar been said, "All these happened yet I do not know why I still want to be a Christian. I guess I see hope."

I guess I see hope.

It was like a magical moment for me
It was as if God was telling me, "See, I am in control.Worry no more"
Very conforting and assuring ;)


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