Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 is really here!

It is still a bit hard for me to believe, it's already 2010
It felt like I sat into time machine and transported to year 2010

Year 2009 was very intense for me
counseling sessions. frustration. marketing class. class till 11pm. passed away. fought. choices. silent. mild stoke. kena scolded. confused. scary stories. the neither here or there feeling. hopes unclear. felt cheated. unable to cry. vomit. more friends graduated. not enough rest. micro teaching. shocking news. sad. unfit.

but it was a super memorable and exciting year as well
cheh cheh graduation. impacted. redang. turtles. slept on the beach under millions of stars. g-force. playground. sabah. elim church children camp. mulu. super huge blue black. maswings. appreciated. played in the rain. airasia. rainbow. mas. inspired. sarawak. speedboat. sleepover in LCCT. flying fox.caves. canopy walk. learn to love. snorkeling. prank. walkwalkwalk. new tv. mount kinabalu. life changing. longest hair ever. sat on airplane with friends. manukan island. tried weird food. Cameron. bitten by leeches. sterling condo. giant trampoline. melaka food tour. miri. flight delay. best cendol. friends. PD. rode on ostrich. hugged a baby monkey. met a super chatty parrot. caving. IK friendship camp 2010. kuala terengganu. surprising results. bats. zorbing again. hangout. breakthrough. astro.

looking back, i realized i seriously traveled quite a lot in 2009
hopefully, more to come in 2010 =P

Have a super nice 1st monday of 2010 =)

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