Thursday, November 16, 2006

fun time ahead! =)

This is my 5th time trying to blog today. Laptop/system gone crazy and so am I!
Finally, finally, I'm cleverer. Type in the Microsoft word first!

Congratulations to all standard 6 students!
Well Done!! =)
You still have a long, long road ahead.
Don't just stop here.
Stay close with God and do you best,
for your future is in God hand.
Then everything will go well with you.
I doubt any standard 6 reads my blog, but if you are one of them, please let me know. ;)

For the 1st time, I'm super duper excited to go back UPM.
After my last final paper on Saturday, I'm going to FESPIC.
Oh, FESPIC, here I come!
Btw, for those who have no idea what is FESPIC, please read your newspaper or just click here.
I'll be a volunteer there.
Not any volunteer but a volunteer a liaison officer for the Chinese Taipei Contingent.
Oh God, please help my Chinese. =/
Hopefully, I'll be a help to them and not helping them to cause confusion! -_-

After FESPIC, there are more exciting stuff!
The-oh-so-great conference, cousin's oh-so-grand wedding, CLA's building contruction began, Christmas party, makan-makan and more...
Fuh, I desperately simply can't wait!
Hopefully I'll have time to blog some of it.
Oh, I haven't blog about Raya and the oh-so-awesome handshake with Pak Lah too. :)

Since I'll be so busybusy, DWO will take a super duper long nap until I have time to take my nap! =)
Ok, that's all for now. See you soon! *hopefully*
Enjoy your holiday!!

Monday, November 13, 2006

SPM-ers + STPM-ers

just wanna say all the very best to SPM-ers and STPM-ers out there!

it's your final days in school.
seriously, enjoy your last days in secondary school.
and, of coz, enjoy your SPM and STPM too.
you only take it once in your whole entire life.
what a rare opportunity!

you can do it!
no matter how hard is the paper, you can do it.
all things is possible through Christ who gives you strength.
take time to submit the paper to God and take a deeeeep breath.

do not fear. for God have not given you a spirit of fear.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

You can be a blessing

I'm back but only for awhile.
I'll continue to take my rest from blogging after this.

Attention to all the too free and nothing to people especially

who use hours and hours to blog about every single thing that had happened throughout the day.

Today, I woke up then brush teeth then GF called to go out then had chicken rice ball for lunch then went shopping then she saw the so so pretty dress then asked me to buy but I said no money so didn't buy then when to the beach, saw a very cute baby, he was so cute, I felt like cubit him then I went the smelly public toilet then we had laksa for dinner then sent her back then I took a bath then my mum asked me to do some stuff then after that I did my homework. Now I'm at home but I still think of her.
WAA... get a life!

Form THREE, FIVE and other students
Holiday coming and for some of you, you just self-declare HOLIDAY for yourself. Now, you have lot so time to redeem yourself after all the bad bad things you did before this. Spent you time wisely for LIFE IS SHORT and TIME FLIES LIKE A JET PLANE.

Attention!! Perhatian!!

This holiday, Calvary Care Home (Orphanage) at Bukit Baru, Melaka needs volunteer to take care of the kids for few hours. And CCH is having a raising fund to buy the home that they are staying now.

Sacrifice few hours of you precious time and wasted energy for a good cause, why not uh? Instead of sleeping, blogging, watching TV, mamak-ing, and shopping, go and lend a hand to CCH. The children desperately appreciate you time and effort. They maybe a lil ganas but I have seen the youth more ganas by doing the 'hamburger' thing, and do the head bang! So I know you, the young people can take it!

Your presence there means a lot to them. And, they will change your perspective of life, just like they have changed mine. It's a life changing experience. If you are not changed, then volunteer till you change. Though it's tiring, it's worth it. (Maybe I'll blog about my life changing experience while volunteering. Hehe...)

Be a volunteer for it will change the kids life and of coz, yours too!

For more details, please contact Ms Chong Fei Gin 06-2314460.

Thank you :P

May God bless you!
You can be a Blessing to others as well!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Tetra Pak Users

To dearest Tetra Pak Users,

Please DO NOT throw away your used tetra pack. Hwei Sue specially requested for you, yes you to keep it.

If you have no idea what is tetra pack then it's time to notice the labels of the process food you eat. Any drink boxes/ kotak minuman in Malaysia is a Tetra Pak.

If you don't have any idea who is Hwei Sue, but you know Sue Ern, then pass to Sue Ern.

Not Sue Ern but Hwei Sue wants it to enter a competition that needs Tetra Pack. So, help her to collect. Only people like Hwei Sue is rajin and kuasa enough to enter this kinda competition. So, just forget it if you want to enter the competition. Just pass the Tetra Pak to me.

Thank You.

Harap Maklum.

ini adalah contoh-contoh tetra pak

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