Friday, September 26, 2008
my family journal
"My family journal" was the ultimate assignment that kept me busy for the last 2 weeks
28 pages long excluding 2 pages of childhood pics - double spacing - font Verdana - font size 11 - average time spend 1.5 hours per page - focus on childhood - the most enjoyable and meaningful assignment i ever done - like writing a longer version of blog post - obsessed with it - flip through dictionary like crazy - tears were shed as i jotted down my memories! EMO :) - body ached badly after sitting 8 hours straight - forgotten to eat & bathe - squeezed every inch of my brain to construct tons of proper English sentences - check and recheck grammar but I'm sure still got super lots mistakes - eat up 90% of my interest to post in blog - reminded of God's faithfulness in my life - realized there are parts of me never change =) - recalled and analyzed the mistakes of the past was emotional draining - learned that my past is a part of me but I'm not a prisoner of the past - i no longer remember a huge part of my childhood - thankful for the people who played their roles in my life...
no longer larat to continue to write.
a picture speaks a thousand words kan? ----------Spot me? =) the ten years old me - church camp - Fraser's Hill ----------
time flies faster than the jet plane!
aha... another picture =)
haha.. spotted u la... so long ago picture.. heheehe
yea really long time. seriously, Allan i don't know which one is you. i know you are in the pic but.... i don't know which one =/
eh...where u get this photo from?
Wahhh... I didn't know you know how to operate our house's scanner by yourself...
oh tan jien lee, got it from your home la. then where else oi? erm... scanner? that day when i desperately needed to use, the scanner operated by itself. so u still need to do it for me. thank you lots, scanner operator =D
haha... i'm beside u wearing the red jacket la. can't see where is anna..
allan, oh lala... din know that's u. in the 2nd picture can see anna clearer s jien's head block the tine anna =)
haha... is that stefanie in front of me??