Friday, June 24, 2011

Then and now.

It has been more than a year since i last blogged.

Then i was a student who went in class late most of the time;
now i'm a teacher who goes in class on time most of the time.

Then i was a student who kiasuly did her assignments all the time;
now i have a bunch of students who refuse to do their homework.

Then i thought the lectures were super boring;
now my students think my class is boring -.-

Then i went for movies whenever i wanted;
now the cinema is in far away land.

Then i walked to class even though it took me 15 min;
now i drive to school even though i could just take a 5 min walk.

Then i used to take tons of jumping shots;
now i just want to shoot down students (sometimes ;P )

Then my mum said my driving was crazy;
now the students drive me nuts.

Then i used to spend me time in Midvalley (MV);
now i hang out in Queensbay (QB).

Then i jogged at bukit expo;
now i hike at bukit Jambul.

Then i attended FSCC;
now i attend EPCC (Excel Point Community Centre).

Then i tapau-ed food everyday;
now i cooked almost everyday. *bangga*

Then i was counselled;
now i do counseling.

Then i wore pants on weekday and skirts on weekends;
now it's the other was round.

Then i had ton of midnight walk and talks;
now i have tons of midnight meditating. (hah!)

Then i carried counseling book everywhere;
now i carry and read Sejarah Tingkatan 1.

Then i spoke English most of the time;
now i speak super cacated Mandarin most of the time.

but some things never change,

Then i slept late;
now i sleep late as well :)

and God is still super duper AWESOME and faithful :) :) :)

Monday, January 04, 2010

2010 is really here!

It is still a bit hard for me to believe, it's already 2010
It felt like I sat into time machine and transported to year 2010

Year 2009 was very intense for me
counseling sessions. frustration. marketing class. class till 11pm. passed away. fought. choices. silent. mild stoke. kena scolded. confused. scary stories. the neither here or there feeling. hopes unclear. felt cheated. unable to cry. vomit. more friends graduated. not enough rest. micro teaching. shocking news. sad. unfit.

but it was a super memorable and exciting year as well
cheh cheh graduation. impacted. redang. turtles. slept on the beach under millions of stars. g-force. playground. sabah. elim church children camp. mulu. super huge blue black. maswings. appreciated. played in the rain. airasia. rainbow. mas. inspired. sarawak. speedboat. sleepover in LCCT. flying fox.caves. canopy walk. learn to love. snorkeling. prank. walkwalkwalk. new tv. mount kinabalu. life changing. longest hair ever. sat on airplane with friends. manukan island. tried weird food. Cameron. bitten by leeches. sterling condo. giant trampoline. melaka food tour. miri. flight delay. best cendol. friends. PD. rode on ostrich. hugged a baby monkey. met a super chatty parrot. caving. IK friendship camp 2010. kuala terengganu. surprising results. bats. zorbing again. hangout. breakthrough. astro.

looking back, i realized i seriously traveled quite a lot in 2009
hopefully, more to come in 2010 =P

Have a super nice 1st monday of 2010 =)

Thursday, December 31, 2009


last day of 2009
time flies faster than the jet plane

2009 was awesome like roller coaster ride
there were parts i just wanna the ride to end, and some i just hope it would be longer
how i wish i could control time

too much to jot it down as i reflect what had happened in 2009
but then one thing i know for sure, God is still very good indeed.

He is still super faithful after all this years
He is still very powerful despite of our economic situation
He is still loving unconditionally despite of the fights that is happening

Happy New Year!
May 2010 be a super duper wonderful year for you!! =D

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

have you seen my baby blue comb?

the beginning of the semester, i bought 2 combs.
a baby pink and baby blue comb.

from the 1st to the 7th week of the semester, kedua-dua comb ambil giliran to hilangkan diri.
by the 8th week of the semester, both combs seriously really hilangkan diri or kena kidnapped. yang tu, aku tak pasti. i didn't log a police report.

so on the 10th week of the semester, i bought a brand new baby blue comb.
after i used my precious baby blue comb, i faithfully put it back at the few places-
in my stationary mug, on the bed, or on the study table.
i didn't bring out my comb or put inside the handbag like most gals would.

then by the 12th week, my freaking baby blue comb went missing until now.
i have no idea where it went but i came out with few possibilities.

my very innocent looking roomie stole it to comb the cats' fur
the army of ants in room carried back to their home to fan their queen.
the elves took it while i was asleep and used it as the roof at far away land. they wanted their roof to be all blue instead of pink and blue so they took the 3rd comb away too.
the guy who came into the room to repair the socket slipped my comb into his pocket when i wasn't looking.
my hair dislike the comb so the comb was eaten by my hair.
my comb evaporated and hilang in the air.
the mozzies destroyed my comb coz every time i comb my hair, mozzies no long can stay comfortably in my super thick hair.
the dainty fairy loaned my comb to comb her golden silky hair and refused to returned it.
the prince climb up to the 4th floor and took my comb away as a gift to Rapunzal.
Micheal Scofield from Prison Break jumped out of my laptop and took my baby blue for Sara Tancredi

and teory yang paling tak mungkin is i misplaced my comb or my comb tercicir.
tak mungkin ok! hmmmp...

have you seen my baby blue comb?

ps: wow... i can really crap ;)

Friday, October 23, 2009

last day

yesterday was the last day of class together with all my course mates.

i woke up with the intention to absorb every single tiny bit of experience being in the class with my 4 years course mates.


i didn't say my goodbyes to anyone of them as i was busy doing last minute work.
i didn't write any thank you note for anyone as i didn't think time would fly so fast or maybe i do not want to face the reality.
i didn't hug anyone even though i knew that it might be the last time i see some of them until graduation
i didn't make effort to get anyone contact as i made the excuse that facebook will connect us.
i didn't take initiative to date them for i am afraid it would make me feel reluctant to leave uni life.
i didn't hang out in any of their rooms lately because i sensed they are redrawing themselves and i didn't want them to feel worse about leaving uni.
i didn't make any cards and fill it up with encouraging words because i need encouragement too to leave uni and step into the awesome plan He has path it for me.

Ouch! Time really flies faster than a jetplane.
Please come back. Can you?

Truly, i like the combination of my coursemates.
In my class, we have the crazy laughing gang, the religious ones, the happy-go-lucky people, the nerdy study hard students, the don't care-don't know friends, the political correct candidates, the MUST be happy all the time humans, the clowns, the creation from out of the world, the ones who are 'kurang matang', the super poyo guys, the jokers and the list goes on...

Gee... i simply love seeing the quirkiness of my coursemates.
many times, i wish i could squeeze and hug them like a soft toy.

Oh, what a joy to be entertained by the drama in class from the corner of the lecture hall.
I guess each one of them made my days in uni a little more special in their own uniqueness.

What a blessing to be in the same class as them.
one day i shall list down the reasons i like my class. i'm sure it would be a super long list =)

What an awesome journey! the long yet short journey in UPM

oh btw, i am not graduating. i have another semester to go.

wow talk about graduation.
i still have another assignment to do before my final if not i could bid my goodbye to graduation.

wish me the best for my finals and don't forget to tell me that i'm a genius if you do bump into me. haha!
have an super awesome weekend while i gear up for my finals.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A walk in the rain

I just took a short walk in the rain.

I was in the library checking emails and facebook-ing. When I decided to walk back, I just realized it was raining. Oh, I love rainy day. I couldn’t wait to walk under the rain but suddenly I was reminded pesanan mak, “take care of yourself ar...”

Oh ok, so I called my friend if she could pick me up but she was not available. See, I made effort but memang takdir for me to walk under the rain. So dengan excited and gembira-nya, I began my walk from the library to my hostel.

I passed by pak guard who looked at me with the are-you-mad-look. I looked up the sky, it was so majestic. Later, I passed by a few more girls holding pretty umbrellas. As I walked, the wind blew and puddles of water here and there. Oh the kid in me couldn’t help it but made the biggest splash from the puddles. Oh I love it. Thank goodness, the street lights were dimed and no one could identify me.

Aha… I continued to climb the UPM canggih overhead bridge. I thought of my day.

My day began by waking up late for class. I blamed the super mad 3.30am fire drill in kolej for my inability to wake up earlier =P While rushing to class, my favourite lecturer said, “I looked different.” Aha, it was the first time she spoke to me outside of the classroom. It made my day a little more special. I dislike being late for classes but since I’m studying in Malaysia which has her own set of time, I wasn’t late for today’s class. In fact, I was just on time. I enjoyed the class and I gained much through it. Thank God for awesome classes that makes learning an enriching experience.

Later, I met up with a 9 years old boy to play with him for an hour. At first, I felt a little cacated and hesitant. For the first 10 minutes, he was a little uneasy. He making sure I was feeling ok. He kept asking me to sit properly and asked me what I wanted to do. Aw… so sweet of him. He made sure I understood the movie that he was watching. Instead of allowing me to watch, he explained to me. His stories line jumped faster than a frog but surprisingly I understood him. He even asked me to paraphrase what he said -.-'' He was aware of how the deaf and mute speaks. Oh, very observant of him. He constantly asked me if I believe what he said. As assuring as I could, I said, “yes.” Of and on, he would play with my hair just like I would. After awhile, I asked him why he did that. He replied cheekily, “to make you happy.” I was super -__-'' of cause. Later, he decided to teach me to play his computer games. At first, we were playing pipeline. He made sure I wasn’t bored just looking at him play. Thus, we took turns to play and said that I was improving well -.-'' after few rounds, we played other games. Every 5 minutes, we played a different game that he was skillful at but it wasn’t the case for me. He had a hard time typing his name in the high score list. Again, we took turns to identify the letters on the keyboard. He seriously made sure I had an equally chance as him in everything that he did. Such a considerate boy!

After that, he decided that to massage my palms. Oh, he got strong and firm hands. It was so good until he decided to give a strong punch on my left arm. Ouch! Kids seriously love to punch me. I have no idea why. His punishment for punching was 15 seconds of tickle. Hehehe... Time flies. Soon, play time was up. I said my goodbye in a hurry and he asked me come back again but I could not. I felt a little bad that I didn’t tell him beforehand. I said my really last goodbye and asked him to work hard. Oh yes, what a meaningful hour. He made me realized I still like to play with kids.

Back to my walk in the rain. Finally, I was almost reaching my hostel. My guy course mate passed me by with his bike and gave me the look the pak guard gave me. Quickly, I walked in my block and bumped into my junior who gave me the what-happened-to-you-look. I must be looking quite ridiculous. I was pretty drenched.

But, you know what?

I had a great walk in the rain! =)

Thursday, October 15, 2009



i tend to teringat super random stuff.
i teringat the boy who stole my chipsmore from my tupperware during kindy!!
i teringat Su Min's chocolate ice-cream dropped from the cone when she took her 1st lick!!
i teringat of the uncle who sells air cincau in my secondary school!!
i teringat the tree with roots macam chicken feet in my primary school!!
i teringat the chicken rice ball served during kindy!! yummy =D
i teringat the people who promised to buy me ice-cream many,many years ago but till now still didn't buy for me!! =P

bah! doesn't sound so random after all kan?
coz all that i teringat are related to FOOD including chicken feet!

Have a super nice day! =D
olala.... oh ya, i wish to be in d'lish at Bangsar NOW. oh, the cupcakes sungguh sedap k =)
yes! i can dream on, so can  you. -.-'''
olalala... tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

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