Monday, March 05, 2007

10 weird stuff bout me!!

i take super super long to reply tags. It's not that I don't want too but... You know, so busy!! BUSY!! busy with real stuff...

Each player of this game starts off with ten weird things or habits or little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged must write in a blog of their own ten weird things or habits or little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you must choose six people to be tagged and list their names. (anyone still reading my blog? just tag yourself okay? *pathetic, i know*) No tagbacks!

I super duper like to eat the stinky and geli food called “cencalok” and “belacan”
*if you never heard or tasted cencalok, then just take a fresh prawn and rub at you feet. Then just lick your feet. It tastes something like that! Muahaha…*

I like people who don’t look like who they are.
Example, I like Chinese who don’t look like Chinese.
Another example, I like Chinese who don’t look like Chinese who can speak Chinese Language but is Chinese and can speak Chinese Language.
Muahaha… Erm… Understand?
Hope you can understand. I’m complicated.
Conclusion, I like people who are different than their cover.

I like walking alone in a new and busy place. I like to discover and enjoy the busyness of the place yet still being alone. When I am alone, I can do anything. Any crazy stuff and take my own sweet time. It a time I release all my tension and stress. The next time, if you see me wondering alone in anywhere, please ignore me. Hehe… I’m not crazy.

I like buying present paper and cards. I can’t buy enough of them. Buy and give away since I don’t know where to keep them. I could use hours just to choose a few cards. So if you don’t know what to buy for me, please buy for me present paper and cards. The more the better. hehe…..

Everyday, I must eat rice. Rice, rice, rice… My favourite food is RICE! Rice makes me happy. No matter how much of bread, burger, french fries, and other non Malaysian food, I will not feel full and satisfied. I need rice to survive. I despise BREAD! My brother loves bread and I dislike bread; I love rice while my brother dislikes rice. Hehe… complicated!

I like playing with kids. Being with kids teach me to be care-free and stress-free. I want to own kids from all races, if only I could kidnap some of them. Hehehe…

When I am stressful, I like to cut my hair and wax!!! Many times I was forced to clip up my fringe/bangs for weeks because I cut it too short. Haha…See, my hair so long now because lately I’m not so stress. If not, I will cut it real short. The shorter my hair is, the more stress I am. Muahaha…

I can and need and want to eat a lot of food. With the right people, right place, and of cause right food, I can eat tons of food. *Right food means the food that worth the weight I will gain. Hehe…* I’m a true Malaysian. Time is not a factor to me. At times, I felt like I am wasting the food since I need to eat so much. Food vacuum is what I call myself, sometimes.

I like efficient and accurate SMS senders. I like and respect people who still have manners in sms. Where is your thank you or hey? And I like people who faithfully reply my not so important SMS. It doesn’t matter how long she/he takes to sent but at least got send. I like senders who don’t waste space in SMS, use to the MAX. hehe… Therefore, I hate short-short SMS that I cannot understand a thing. People expect me to grow antenna and read their mind frequency is it? Another thing I can’t stand is when I asked many questions and the reply is yes/okay only. Wah…*Kaboom* I hate to get those SMS. Yes what? Okay what? Ish… SO, are you one of those SMS senders who I like? Hehehe…

I hate to dream I am running. If I am running in my dream, I felt super exhausted when I wake up. It is as if I just went for a marathon. Sleep while dream of exercising equals no sleep. I hate when I dream of myself exercising. So tiring… Anyone of you experience like me?

the end!

so are you weirder than me?


anna said...

ehehehe. i know u like my sms-es ;P

i look like chinese but cant really speak chinese. so u like me? ;)

Desperate Witty Owl said...

yes yes... i lik your sms coz u r as ah ma like me. muahahaa...
i'm training more ppl to sent ah ma sms. hehe...

nonono...u look like chinese and is chinese and u suppose to speak chinese!! ehem...

Anonymous said...

din notice dis post until now...jus oticed u nvr updated ur blog for AWHILE....yep ur weird...

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