Monday, October 08, 2007

SRJK (c)

recently, my 2 course mates and i went to a SRJK (C) to conduct 

group guidance as our assignment

I couldn't help but to feel helpless and reluctant

yes, though i spent 6 years in SRJK (C), 
i didn't feel proud nor accepted in the school
the super heavy school bag wasn't my heaviest burden
the weekly spelling for BC, BM and BI was killing me
the mountain of homework was drowning me
the crazily fierce teachers were insane to me

until today, I'm still amaze that i survive =)
the most disappointing and frustrated schooling years were when I was in SRJK (C)

Hence, when I knew that I was going to conduct group guidance in SRJK (C), 
I was scared
To face my past again, it was definitely freaky

To know that, the SRJK (C) students these days endured much more than I did,
bring me to my knees to pray
I felt desperately helpless, very.

I realised the way I view SRJK (C) influenced my life
Nowadays, I speak more English than Chinese language though my 1st language and mother tongue is Chinese language. Weird eh? 
Therefore, I have more English speaking friends who studied in missionary schools & SK than Chinese speaking friend who studied in SRJK (C)

The way I dress and look somehow is influenced by my viewpoint towards SRJK (C), 
at least that's what I think la. hahahahaha...

However, SRJK (C) wasn't all bad to me.
If it wasn't for the "nilai kerajinan" that was instilled during SRJK (C) years, I most likely would fail in SPM =P
If it wasn't for my super nice yet firm math teacher, I most likely still don't know to count =P
and I am glad I still could speak Chinese language although it's very broken and out of tune

For some, I am a disgrace to my SRJK (C) but did I fail my SRJK (C) or the other way round?
Or should I say in this situation,
there is no right or wrong
there is no must or mustn't
there is no should or shouldn't =)


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