Tuesday, July 22, 2008

struck in library again!

it's raining owl and donkey!
i am struck in the library again.

wow, maybe it a good thing since i have nothing else to do beside updating my blog bit =D

this morning, i had class at 8am. And guess what, i woke up at 7.55am and i was still very determine to go to class (with my honey and darling roomate encouragement, of coz). i reached my class at 8.20am! not bad uh? The class was conducted by 2 foreign master students. For once, i was more responsive in class because i could use English =D it's a BIG thing to me since ALL my classes are taught in BM except for English class. (Macam secondary school kan?) Hopefully, there are more classes conducted in English =D

yesterday, i played basketball for almost 2 hours. for the 1st time in like 8 years, i played basketball again! My legs are arching! i realised i no longer have much energy as i used to have. plus i am no longer as competitive aka kiasu as i was in secondary school. weird eh? age is changing up? hahahah... anyway, i think playing sports help a lot to stay fresher (i think so coz i wasn't really sleepy till 4am) i had fun sweat it out =D

let me talk about my nice and cool faculty library! This library is really nice with good connection and air condition. The books & journals are updated and well organized. There are tons of stories book and magazine. I love reading reader digest and flip through fashion magazine. Can you believe education faculty subscribe to fashion mag! ya, cool right? everything is cool, ALMOST. This library have one stupid rule - BOOKS CANNOT BE BORROWED! Seriously, i would like to know another library that do not allow books to be borrowed. Plain stupid, i think.

oh ok, the owls and donkeys just left.
time to go back hostel to prepare for CG stuff.
pray for me ya! =D

i'll update another time,
maybe another rainy day =D


sEnGz said...

u woke up at 7.55am and reached class at 7.20? Wow... u can turn back time. or is it you need more sleep? is ist too much sleep?


Desperate Witty Owl said...

i can see you have enough sleep =D

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