Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the journey to the center of the earth

Today, i decided to watch The Journey To The Center Of The Earth, 3D which cost me RM17 to celebrate my 10th time to the cinema in my entire life! =D

Hehehe... just joking about the celebrate part. But the 10th time to cinema is true =D and i'm proud of it. oh by the way, this year i watch 3 movies in cinema which it's a breakthrough for me =P

Oh ya, sorry side track! The 3D version of The Journey To the Center Of the Earth is awesome. RM17 was worth it since i had the best seat with the best companion. For one hour plus, i couldn't decide to laugh or shout -___-''

go go and watch! to encourage more movie to film in 3 D version and indirectly give me a reason to go cinema again and by doing this it give me opportunity to contribute to our Malaysia economy =D

oh i'm crappy =P anyway, nvm back to the topic.

The 3D version is only available in Mid Vally, so to all Melaka people don't emo k. Dataran Pahlawan got super big cinema =D


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