Sunday, September 03, 2006

Life is short

For the past weeks, I felt like giving up all.
Just after I posted 'giving up', I learned a lil more bout life. Now looking back, I should NOT have felt like giving up because of little-little stuff. Life is much more than this!!

Yesterday, I went to 'Kluang Station' (a very nice and affordable high class mamak stall. Now, Malacca got cooler makan place. Heh! *double bangga*) with mom in Tesco.

Belum makan lagi, mom told me her colleague's daughter has bone cancer. I don't know her name, but let's name her Super-Brave-Gal (SBG).

SBG is an 11 years old Malaccan. In just one month, SBG's leg bengkok. Hence, now, she can't walk properly. In school, a boy enjoys kicking her bengkak leg. Another cruel girl pula likes to tease her and imitate SBG walking. How kejam people can be these days... Ish! I felt like going to SBG's class and give her classmates few tumbukssss!!! EEEEE... geramnya! Despite of all the bullying, she still wants to go school. The doctor said, her knee will be amputated. However if her chemotherapy is not working well, her whole maybe amputated. That is not the worst, the doctor is also afraid that the cancer has spread to her organ parts. If it happens, SBG may die dalam masa terdekat. Currently, SBG doesn't know ke-serious-an of her sickness. Though she is very sick, she is looking forward to enjoy another day in school. I'm amazed by her.

Yesterday, I woke up very late.
Before I could fully awake, mom informed, "Terence Khoo's dad passed away of heart failure this morning." *speechless*shocked*stunned*
Though I wasn't close to him, I felt the lost. It's hard to explain until we have gone through ourselves.

Why things happen so sudden these day?

Life is short, play and pray hard. (Pastor Les, 2006)


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