Tuesday, December 05, 2006


Time to wake up!
Athletics have to go training! WAKE UP!!
It was a miracle I could wake up on time.
Thank God that my athletics didn't have to go for classification and welcoming ceremony. That saved me lots of energy, time, and phone calls!
Thank God for every second of extra sleep and rest.

I woke up feeling angry and still couldn't forgive the person who took my stuff.
I prayed that God would teach me to be more willing to give and stop grumbling.

"It's better to give to receive"
"God loves a cheerful giver" Amen!

What a mood to start the day!

I had to take a bus from K17 to K11. Then from K11 to Grand Season Hotel.
Every stop, I had to wait about an hour and the journey is an hours.
FUH! I was super tired even before I reached the GS Hotel to escort them to their training stadium.

Finally, I reached GS Hotel. I was on time =) Met up with my oh-very-lovable athletics and then we headed to power lifting training stadium, KL Badminton Stadium Cheras.

We reached the stadium on time too. Ya Hsuan and Tzu Hui were on cloud nine when they saw the Korean power lifting contingent! Me, the blur case didn't know what was going on.

During the training, Kua Tai asked for mineral water and the organizer gave him the tiny 500ml water bottle. I was too embarrassed that I decided to buy it for him.

As I was walking out to search for mineral water, I spotted an orang asli kid.
"sini ada jual air mineral?"
"ar... ada" he cheerfully said as he held out his hand
"tolong saya beli?"
"boleh! berapa botol? besar? kecil?"
"5 besar," I gave him RM10

Then, came his friend.
"mungkin tak cukup. belanja sikit?"
I thought again. "Ya, maybe RM2.10 per bottle."
So, I held out another RM5 and I said,"keep the change."

Before, they happily rode their bicycle off.
He told me:"tunggu sini ok! takut tak dapat cari, kak."

The moment they rode off, I somehow knew they not coming back!
The confirmation came a few second later.
"Mereka budak jahat! takkan balik!" said the friendly bus driver.

Without wasting much time, I went to buy the water myself.
I was not pissed off for being cheated but a lil disappointed.
I asked God why!
Why, God? Why you allow me to be cheated?
I don't normally do that! They even sound so real!
Asked for tips and warned me not to go away!
Oh why? Why God?

Then, suddenly I remember "it's better to give than to receiver"
Wa... I felt so happy inside out! I was able to forgive my friend who took my stuff.
Plus, I was glad that I was cheated. Sounds crazy but true.
A lesson to learned with RM15 is worth it!

While they were training, I got to know my athletics better.
For the 1st time, I saw power lifters in action LIVE!
At 1st, it was super scary and amazing to see them lifting 200kg.

Big Bro Kua Tai is in big action!

Compared to them, I was like sotong.

Lesson Learned :
It's better to give than to receive. And remember, give with a cheerful heart, just the way God loves it.

Summary for lazy/blur/not so ah-ma reader :
I asked God to teach me to give with a cheerful heart. And I learned the joy of giving by being cheated RM15 by 2 kids.


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