Monday, December 11, 2006

The lebih-lebih post!

Last few weeks,
I was wondering why my profile views stopped at 32,
so was Jien's profile view. Same number some more!

Yesterday, I checked again.
Lo and behold, it went up...

I was trilled!
Not until I saw....


But not for long,
till I saw this

=) :) =>


Currently, my latest fave emotion!
Thanks to Davin.



I used to hate emotions like this

fr the left : hehehe, oiiii, wah... , oic

I couldn't stand/sit it!
but now different story! -.-''

Lately, I have been MSN-ing with the Taipei athletics and coach.
Since my Chinese is in the 'improving process', I face difficulty to MSN in Chinese.
Then, I discovered how useful emotion can be.


good night

i&me&myself , working, see, good, hahahah...

love, cry, yes!, bow, bye

I had no idea how this emotions were so helpful to me
until I needed to MSN in chinese!
Seriously. hahaha...

The best of all the emotion is


I have my own personalized emotion of my name!
Isn't it cool?
Loving it!


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